- A Few Facts on Water Rights Information in Texas
- Acquiring Groundwater and Surface Water
- Basics of Texas Water Laws
- Groundwater Leases – What you need to know
- Hints on Negotiating an Oil and Gas Lease
- Landowners Guide to Fence Law in Texas
- Management of Groundwater Through Groundwater Districts
- Minerals, Surface Rights & Royalty Payments
- Open vs Closed Range
- Pooling Clauses and Statutes-Pugh Clause
- Surface Tension – Accommodation of the Estates Doctrine (Surface Owners without mineral rights)
- Sample Lease Agreement
- Pasture Lease – Sample Agreement
- Termination of a Oil & Gas Lease
- Texas Oil & Gas Leasing Handbook
- Texas Water Development Board
- Texas Well Owner Network
- The Texas Deer Lease
- Who Owns Groundwater
- Who’s Water is it Anyway
- Yours, Mine or Ours? The Rule of Capture and Subterranean Fluids